To live content with small means, to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion, to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich, to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly, to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart, to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never, in a word to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common, this is to be my symphony. -William Henry Channing
The King of Pentacles is usually portrayed in tarot as a very wealthy man. His clothes are sumptuous and fine, he is usually seated and relaxed. His is an air of comfort and ease. He is the benefactor, the financial advisor you know knows what he's talking about because whatever he's done with his own finances has yielded results. Pentacles is the suit of money, but also of everything of the earth, material things, food, sensuality, all that you can touch, see, smell and hear. This is a man who knows what feels good and what satisfies the senses, be it good food, good music, or good art. These pleasures of life are what makes life worth living to him and which enfolds him in a state of contentment on a daily basis.

The King of Pentacles is one of the most sensuous and romantic of the courts. He stops at nothing to make sure his lover is delighted in all her senses. Fine wine, fine music, and rich chocolate. "Are you comfortable?" is his chief concern. His "air of earth" elemental combination usually results in a thoughtful, well-spoken man who gives generously of himself and all he has, and he usually has a lot. However, ill dignified or reversed, this King can be miserly and cruel, selfish and unbearably stubborn. He might be the workaholic who is focused only on the bottom line, the money he can gather to himself. He might be the one who so gratifies his pleasures that he takes advantage of the weaker, purchasing sex with prostituted women and swindling old ladies out of their life savings while acting the part of the smitten lover. He might be the father who can only show his "love" by buying his children things but never connecting with them in any meaningful way.
As advice, when the King of Pentacles shows up in a reading he usually encourages you to be careful where your finances are concerned, to make sure you aren't spending too much unwisely. He could be suggesting you consult with a trusted financial advisor before signing that contract or investing that money into that venture. He also reminds you to remember that appreciating the sensual side to life makes life more pleasurable. Quality over quantity makes more of a difference. There is value to luxury when it yields comfort and pleasure to the senses. Art is worth investing in not just for its resale value but because it enriches your life every day. So consider how you are living your life, and if your sacrifices make sense both in the short and the long run. If you live like a pauper and stuff money in your mattress, then die without ever having gone to Brazil as you dreamed, what have you gained? While he's not at all saying, "Eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die!" he will ask you to consider the pleasure your life is to you and if you are truly enjoying this wildly sensual world we live in, no matter what your current financial status. Even the most meager incomes can find a spare pence for a bouquet of flowers or a cup of really good coffee. His last bit of advice is to see if you can find ways to exchange services with others in a way that benefits both of you, but especially you. Work with others and think of new ways to be savvy about the way you bring wealth, and not just the coin type, into your life.
Classic Tarot By Carlo DellaRocca Tarot Deck Published by Lo Scarabeo
The Housewives Tarot By Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum Published by Quirk Books 2004
It's uncanny how closely some of these characters can fit people in our lives! My father-in-law is so King of Pentacles. To a T! *(picture me pointing and jumping..."It's him! It's him!")* ridiculously spot on. Learning about the archetypal personalities is not only fun but deeply educational on so many levels. As I am a predominantly King of Cups sort of character, the relationship with my father-in-law has improved dramatically as I have come to understand him better. And now appreciate him in ways I couldn't even have dreamed a few years back.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if we all have one or two Courts that give us an averse reaction from the get go?
Thanks for making the court cards come to life, Ginny!
I think most of us are, of course, a combination of the courts, depending on our mood, our circumstances, and how we present to others. In one situation I am very Queen of Swords yet in another the Queen of Wands. Once, when I described all the Queens to a friend who knows me very well and asked him to pick one to represent me he said, "I can't. You're all of them." Yet sometimes we know people who pretty much fit one particular court card to a T and it really helps in our tarot reading because we can really identify with that court because we know someone just like them. On the other hand, be careful that when the King of Pents shows up in your readings you don't limit him to your FIL, because that can happen, too. You'll be all, "What's he doing there?" when he's not really figuring in the situation at all, but the cards may be advising YOU to approach the situation in a King of Pents fashion. In which case, all you have to ask yourself is, "What would my FIL do in this case?" Being more a King of Cups, this might be hard for you, but it stretches us and helps us grow to try on different "crowns" for size. :)
ReplyDeleteJust to change topics for a moment this lovely card showed up in a three draw as the third card - the first card asked about the man I like and I - Wheel of Fortune was the answer. Second question is it love - the chariot. Third question how he feels about me - the king of pentacles. When I went back to put the card back into their box later, at the bottom of the pack shining up at me was the empress. I am afraid I am a bit bemused by the possibly of what this all could mean - please are you able to help light the way...
Wheel of fortune- a bit of Destiny well over due
DeleteChariot- go for it
KoP- he likes you for you
Empress- true sensual love
Work has been full bore stressful and busy and it's Friday and I'm fried. I hate to call in sick to work; did a 1 card reading on should I call out today and got the KP. My first reaction was money=work=King of money card=go to work. Then I read your piece and the Housewives Tarot depiction of this card. I'm taking the day. Thanks for the spot on analysis!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this one! I like the descriptions that you have been writing! Helpful!
ReplyDeleteI have just bought my first pack of tarot cards and am slowly but surely trying to familarise myself with them. This morning I did a spread and plucked out the KING OF PENTACLES, it made me laugh as this card reminds me of a man at work I am attracted to. He is dark haired, solid, steady, hard working, driven and an accountant!