78 Notes to Self: A Tarot Journal

We are all wanderers on this earth. Our hearts are full of wonder, and our souls are deep with dreams.

Purchase a Tarot Reading


Ready To Order a Tarot Reading?

Please read my About My Tarot Readings page and request a reading via Email first.

Please introduce yourself and tell me what situation and/or question you would like to be the subject of the reading. You can let me know if you would like a Mini Reading or a Full Reading.  I will send an Invoice from PayPal.  Upon receiving notification from PayPal that you have made payment I will schedule your reading and notify you when you should expect it to arrive in your email.  Please also let me know if you have a separate email address to which you would like the reading sent.

$15.00 Mini-Reading: One Specific Question
$40.00 Full Reading: Three Question Maximum

If you desire you may also contribute a donation to my work on 78 Notes To Self.