This isn't necessarily a bad thing and I certainly wouldn't say we should try to dissociate ourselves from our left-brain functioning when we read. It's that side of our brains that can find the links and patterns between what happened in the past and connect them to the present and the future possibilities. This is essential for communicating what the cards are projecting. We also need some tangible frame of reference for that communication and if we don't have our own experiences, knowledge and wisdom to pull from, we wouldn't be able to empathize or effectively share what we are seeing. So while I think it's perfectly okay to bring one's own personal advice into a reading, be careful. I've done many readings where I've seen the cards recommend exactly the opposite to what I would have advised. I might entirely disagree with the cards and yet it is my responsibility as a tarot reader neither to twist the meaning of the card to better align with my own advice nor to replace the reading with my own recommendations. I've sometimes felt the need to disclaim at these times that while I wouldn't personally recommend this course of action, the cards clearly seem to be pointing in that direction.
My clients understand they take the advice of the tarot reading at their own risk. We are each responsible for the choices and decisions we make in our own lives. We can't convincingly point a finger of blame at anyone or anything that "forced" us to choose one way over another when it was we ourselves who acted in accordance to what we believed, at the time, to be the best choice. Certainly we are influenced in our decisions, but honestly, most people will, in the end, follow their own inklings, urgings, passions, and way of thinking. We are most likely to go in the direction our emotions lead, even if our minds are telling us something different. Persuasive speakers, salespeople, and motivational coaches know this and if you look back on the major decisions you've made in your life, you will likely find a strong emotional component to the choice made. This is why unsolicited advice is so rarely received well. The recipient is not emotionally open or prepared to accept the advice given, even if it's good or well-intentioned. Unsolicited advice is most often perceived as criticism which is a really good reason not to give it. You're wasting your breath and time and you risk alienating the person you are trying to help.
Of course, tarot readings are a form of solicited advice, but that comes with a different set of responsibilities. When someone asks for advice, one needs to be respectful of the other's willingness to be vulnerable. When asking for advice, people open themselves up a bit and I consider that, in itself, a gift. It's not carte blanche for your ego to take over and climb the podium and pontificate endlessly on and on about what you know and have experienced. They have not suddenly elevated you to Master Guru of their life or even of the situation at hand. Offering honor and respect for the seeker is essential to giving any advice, and in the case of the tarot reader, that respect is extended to the cards and the art of tarot reading as well.
While empathy is crucial to giving meaningful advice, it can also be a motivation for giving unsolicited advice and should be kept in check. By all means empathize with others, but if that empathy is so strongly felt that you can't help but instruct them on their situation, realize that your empathy just trumped your respect for them and that's bad because your empathy just crossed the line from being other-centered into being self-centered. When that happens it's because you need relief from the anxiety of feeling their emotions. That anxiety can cause you to stop empathizing entirely and once that happens, you're no longer thinking or feeling for them but for yourself. Notice when that anxiety starts and you'll be able to pull back and gain perspective more and more frequently.

I had an unpleasant experience last week in which a family member decided she needed to voice her unsolicited opinion regarding my parenting. In the process I was called everything from selfish and irresponsible to manipulative and a drama queen. This person's motivation, she said, was coming from a strong desire to see my children cared for properly. She's worked with children in various ways all her adult life and I understand she has a passion for seeing to the welfare of kids. Her advice, though well intentioned, was entirely inappropriate given that it was not sought. Not only that, but she neglected to ask the simplest of questions that would have given her much more context in which to give the advice, since she clearly felt the need to express her opinion on the matter. She made the common mistake of assuming her secondhand information was correct simply because it came from other trusted family members and she also presumed upon her relationship with me believing it gave her an undisputed platform from which to speak into my life. As a result, much of her advice was irrelevant because she had not "done her homework" by asking questions and thus she was not informed about the history of the situation, so her advice was redundant and useless. What she intended as helpful was instead insulting and invasive.
Unsolicited advice is always risky, but if it's going to be given, at least please frame your advice in question form. Instead of saying, "You need to do this" say, "Have you tried this?" That way, you're not assuming the person hasn't given consideration to the options you are suggesting. Had this person simply asked me and my children's father what we had already tried, what we were already doing concerning a certain situation with our kids, she would not have come across so unbearably arrogant. When receiving unsolicited advice, our knee-jerk reaction is defensive because it feels like criticism. However, if we try and view the person giving it as, at best, concerned and well-intentioned, we can diffuse the defensiveness. In this case, even my understanding that her intent was good, her lack of communication skills and attitude of superiority created a wall of animosity rather than understanding and acceptance. Instead of building bridges, her "advice" attacked and, as a result, erected walls between us. Now, unless she can approach this issue differently in the future, she has lost any opportunity she may have had to influence. Her potentially valuable expertise and advice is no longer welcome on this subject because she was so disrespectful. In short she pissed me the hell off and it's going to be a cold day in hell before I discuss anything remotely personal with her.
Communication skills are something one can learn and hone. Some of us are naturals and others have to work on it, but it's not something you can't improve. Having poor communication skills is not an excuse when one routinely unintentionally offends others. You don't need a broad vocabulary and you don't need perfect grammar. You need only to show respect for the person to whom you are speaking and things should go relatively well. Put your ego in its place and seat the other person in a place of honor for the moment. Ask questions, and not condescendingly either, as if you already know the answers. Even when you've been asked for advice, tread lightly with humility and give only enough to satisfy the seeker. If they want more, they'll ask.
While I could take on full responsibility for the conflict and berate myself for not being more understanding, I don't think that's right, either. I don't make a very good martyr, it makes me grumpy. When unsolicited advice feels like a sledgehammer, it's perfectly fine to tell that person to stop. If they don't stop, that reveals they probably aren't looking to help you but instead, their need to "advise" is coming from some other motivation, probably ego-driven. That's their problem, not yours. As a tarot reader, check yourself when you discuss your readings with your querants so that you're not investing your own ego into the reading. Allow them to take it or leave it, think what they will about it. It's not about you, it's not about your finely-honed intuitive skills, it's not even about what the cards mean and say. It's always, always about the one seeking the answers.
Brilliant post, Ginny. I'm very ssensitive to this problem both as a professional tarot reader and a person who has problems dealing with unsolicited advice :)
ReplyDeleteBecause i know how hurtful that kind of advice can be,I always try to stress in my readings that the advice of cards is not law, that can be taken or left, that "if you do this and this, this could happen, so maybe it would be bettter to...but only if you are ready/need to/decide"
People usually love this way of saying things, and what's better it makes them THINK instead of following blindly the cards' advice.
Hi Rozonda! It's pretty much a given that the reason someone is consulting tarot in the first place is because they're having difficulty deciding. I mean, if they already knew what course of action to take, they would have already taken it. Maybe we consult the cards afterwards to see if it was the right way to go, but usually we explore a reading beforehand so we can see the potential possibilities. Sometimes people want to take the onus off themselves and place it on the cards or the reader, but, like you, I don't find that empowering or helpful because being led blindly into anything is not the best way to walk through one's life. Besides, if the cards suggest a course of action the seeker's emotions don't align with, they are not likely to take the advice anyway.
ReplyDeleteyes, you are so right! People tend to think we tarot readers manipulate people to do as we say, and I guess it can be done with some people, but it's not that easy to do-if they are not ready to take that advice, they usually won't.
ReplyDeleteSome people come to you indeed wanting to hear something and ask the same question over and over again-I usually don't allow that. If you want to do something, go ahead and do it- you don't need the cards' approval for that. But most people are cool with what the cards have to say and take or leave the advice at their choice. I must say I am lucky-I get around fifty readings a month and most of my clients are sensible, down to earth people. :))) As you said in Twitter, they can teach one a lot, too :)
Good advice!
ReplyDeleteHi Andre, you know, I've occasionally felt that urge, but honestly, who am I to decide this or that person "needs to be shaken?" And what am I trying to accomplish by said shaking? If I am actually trying to help and to communicate something to them, I definitely do not want to erect walls of defense and offense with them. That will completely defeat my intention. When a person feels attacked, it doesn't even matter how good the advice was, they will remember not the advice but the person who attacked them. There is nothing wrong with stating one's opinion, especially when asked to, but ask yourself what your own intentions are first. If they are just to "shake up" a person, then don't be surprised if they turn and shake their fist at you and ignore your advice.
ReplyDeleteI have a spread that specifically has positions for what someone wants to do and what they likely will do and by and large the cards that show up in those two positions are usually quite opposite. So you're right, what people want and what they do are often at odds. But it's not my job to fix that. I can point it out but unless that person is willing to act on the desire, there's really nothing I can do.
Which isn't to say I don't tell the truth. I think telling the truth is important. However, my "truth" can differ widely from others "truths" so really, opinion is all we got. Humility goes a long, long way when sharing those opinions we have and claim to be "truth."
And Jennifer, LOL, I was waiting for someone to say that. :D
I'm going to assume we are talking about advice that is asked for, because honestly, unsolicited advice is so rarely welcome unless it is of that literal variety such as "Watch out for that falling piano!" So if someone comes to you, unhappy with their weight, for example, you have two options. You can say to them, "Hey, you're fat. Stop eating so much! Go to the gym! Did you ever think of walking?" OR you can ask, "What have you tried so far? Has anything worked for you in the past? Have you had a physical? What does your doctor say? What do you think prevents you from meeting your goals?" And so on...it's MUCH better to lead a person to their own answers than to just hand them yours.
ReplyDeleteWith tarot cards, if we see a card suggesting a particular outcome, it's definitely our place to say what we believe the card means in that situation. But that's different than the Advice position, isn't it? When I went to a reader for predictions, I usually felt a little irked when instead I got advice. (That's why question framing is essential -- find out what your querant REALLY wants to know)
To use your rock adage, I think it's perfectly fine, if you are asked your opinion, to say I see a big rock right there. They can choose then to keep right on going or not, but that's always up to them.
I think the main thing I would keep in mind is that we are all deserving of respect, even if we're behaving foolishly, and how you communicate your advice is essential to it being considered. Communicating it with respect for their own autonomy and presumed intelligence places your advice in a light beneath which it will, at least, be considered. Even if it is tossed aside, it will at minimum be heard.
The Emperor's word is law and he has the power to enforce it by physical, violent means, if necessary. His number in tarot is IV, which is the most stable of numbers. He is the fully masculine counterpart to The Empress, who is feminine energy personified.. !!! Thanks Nice Post
ReplyDeleteGoood Blog
Heh, Chris, looks like you liked my post on The Emperor, huh? LOL That card conflicts me so it wasn't easy to write on it. Glad you found 78 Notes to Self and I hope you stick around.